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CCRH® Terms of Use

Love your neighbor listed is the second of the greatest rule we live by and most important in the 'Terms of Use' we expect everyone to follow while using this website.  More specifically we ask that everyone also follow the below when doing business, obtaining information, and generally going about use of our platform:

We strive to connect our residents with the community opportunities they want and the best service providers in our service areas.  While we have put in the hard work of vetting each service provider's ranking across multiple listing services to determine great fitting options for you to consider, we also hope everyone will make the best decision in who to choose for themselves, through this site or not, after performing their own research on the various options we provide.  We can't guarantee service from any of the providers listed, and ask that in the case of any poor service you let us know immediately so we can review.

For service providers we trust that you will continue the same great service that earned you a place here at CCRH®.  CCRH® is not responsible for the residents who choose to reach out to you for service, and you should handle any business directly with the people who schedule and pay for their service.

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